My favorite digiscoper reports that Nikon has just introduced the
Nikon Coolpix P5000, which may or may not prove to be the ultimate digiscoping camera. It's going to be a long time before I can afford another camera now! I am a little disappointed with my Sony W100--I don't know if my camera is defective or if there's a problem with the autofocus design--I'm just not pleased with how crisp the photos are that I take through the scope with it, and when I took regular shots of monkeys with it in Costa Rica, they weren't too good, either. I bought it at Best Buy, and would have to pay a restocking fee to return it, and just haven't had time to think about it. I shouldn't have given my Canon SD-500 to my son until I made sure that I liked the Sony more--it does have a nice, bright screen which is pretty nice when shooting pictures outside.
Meanwhile, my good birding friend Brian mentioned in an email today that Sony is upgrading their DSC-H5, the camera I take most of my photos with. The upcoming H9 will have 15x optical zoom, 8 megapixels, and has one of those cool screens that flips out, making it easier to take shots at all kinds of weird angles. That would have been very helpful when I was taking pictures of myself this fall with Florida Scrub-Jays on my head. But my Sony DSC-H5 does a great job, and I even get decent digiscoped pictures with it, so even if I never can afford to upgrade again, I'll keep getting as many photos as I can.