Next Wednesday, Scott Weidensaul will be in the Twin Cities speaking about his new book, Of a Feather: A Brief History of American Birding. I've heard Scott speak on a couple of occasions, and consider him THE best birding speaker in America. Really. He has a wonderful sense of humor and does spot-on bird imitations while providing more in-depth, fascinating information than anyone I know. The cool thing is how enjoyable he makes this in-depth information. And he's also the birding writer I consider best. He was even among three finalists for a Pulitzer Prize for his wonderful Living on the Wind.
He's speaking at Audubon Minnesota's first annual Donor Appreciation Event, Wednesday, September 19, 2007, at 6:00 PM in downtown Minneapolis. Details are at the Minnesota Environmental Partnership calendar. It's $40 for the event, which includes dinner as well. I just found out they still have some openings, so if you're free next Wednesday night, email Audubon Minnesota to make a reservation. I'm really looking forward to this, and hope to see you there.
And for an interesting discussion of Scott's book, check out Mike McDowell's blog post from Sunday.