Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Improving the Cornell Lab of Ornithology's website

Do you use "All About Birds" to get information about birds? Do you go to the Lab of Ornithology's website for other information about birds? We're trying to improve the website to make it a richer, more accessible source of authoritative information for you. Several people at the Lab are working hard to figure out what would make our website most helpful. Hugh Powell, our new science writer, writes:
Dear Lab members/birders/citizen scientists/nestwatchers:

We are embarking on a major redesign of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology's website, and we're looking for guidance from the experts - the site's everyday users. We invite you to take part on our new blog: http://redesign.birds.cornell.edu, where we'll float ideas, preview features as we develop them, and most importantly, ask you what you think. The blog is now live, so please check in on us, and come back often.