Laura Erickson's For the Birds

Warblers I Have Seen in My Own Backyard

 These are all the warbler species I've seen in my own backyard since we moved here in 1981. I've asterisked the species for which the photo shown was taken in my yard. The rest of the photos are my own, but taken elsewhere. 

1. Ovenbird


I see or hear Ovenbirds in or near my yard most springs, but this photo was taken during an exceptionally cold period when all kinds of birds were showing up in marginal habitat. 

2. Northern Waterthrush

Northern Waterthrush

I hear waterthrushes in back of my yard just about every spring and many late summers, but they aren't very cooperative for photos.

3. Golden-winged Warbler

Golden-winged Warbler

Golden-wings breed up here, while we're still north of the range of Blue-winged Warblers. But we'd lived here for 34 years before I finally saw my first Golden-winged Warbler in August 2015, months after I'd heard and seen my first Blue-winged Warbler here!

4. Blue-winged Warbler

Blue-winged Warbler

Despite it bulking up my backyard list on May 18, 2015, I felt more concerned than happy when I awoke hearing a Blue-winged Warbler singing outside our window. These seem to take over, hybridizing with Golden-wings or out-competing them where their ranges overlap, and Blue-wings are steadily moving north. It's ironic that I got this species here BEFORE I saw my first Golden-wing here.

5. Black-and-white Warbler

Black-and-white Warbler

I see these guys every spring and fall in my yard, but they seem to disapprove of paparazzi. 

6. Tennessee Warbler*

Tennessee Warbler

I see and here these guys every spring and fall in my yard, but it wasn't until the severe spring of 2022 that they ever visited my feeders (for jelly and mealworms) or posed so nicely for photos. 

7. Orange-crowned Warbler*

Katie and Orange-crowned Warbler

I occasionally see one of these in late summer. I took this photo at home, but the bird was brought here after hitting a window in downtown Duluth. My daughter—the mother of my grandchild and the woman who designed and developed my webpage—is the one holding the little guy. 

8. Nashville Warbler*

Nashville Warbler through the window glass

Nashville Warblers show up every spring, and just about every day in late summer, often visiting my ground-level birdbath.

9. Connecticut Warbler

Connecticut Warbler

In the 1980s, I used to see Connecticut Warblers in my own yard regularly every spring, and often in fall. Now it's a red-letter day when I find one here. 

10. Mourning Warbler*

Mourning Warbler

In the 1980s, Mourning Warblers often nested in my neighborhood. I haven't heard one singing here in decades, but they do show up every year, most reliably in late summer when they come to my ground-level birdbaths, as this one is.

11. Common Yellowthroat*

Common Yellowthroat

Common Yellowthroats are not at all common in my yard, but occasionally one shows up as this one did in August 2023 at my birdbath.

12. American Redstart*

Young male American Redstart

American Redstarts show up in my yard every spring and fall migration; they occasionally nested in the neighborhood back in the 1980s. Now once in a while I hear a year-old male singing for a day or two in early summer. This photo of a young male was taken in my yard on June 21, 2019. He'd vanished by the next day. 

13. Cape May Warbler*

Cape May Warbler

I see at least a few Cape Mays every spring and fall here. In cold springs, this is one warbler that visits oriole feeders. Once I had a male hover at a perchless hummingbird feeder for sugar water! 

14. Northern Parula

Northern Parula

I don't see these guys too frequently, but they do occasionally come to my birdbaths in August. 

15. Magnolia Warbler

Magnolia Warbler

Magnolia Warblers show up in my yard every spring and fall. 

16. Bay-breasted Warbler

Bay-breasted Warbler

Bay-breasts have been harder than most warblers to find in my yard, but I've seen them quite a few times. 

17. Blackburnian Warbler

Blackburnian Warbler

These luscious birds show up every spring and fall, and frequently visit my birdbaths. 

18. Yellow Warbler

Yellow Warbler

For being as common and widespread as Yellow Warblers are, I don't often see them in my yard. 

19. Chestnut-sided Warbler*

Chestnut-sided Warbler

Chestnut-sides show up every spring and fall. 

20. Blackpoll Warbler*

Blackpoll Warbler

In recent years, I've probably missed a lot of Blackpoll Warblers in my yard in spring because their high-frequency song is out of my hearing range now. But I do see them here, most often in fall. The one in the photo was in a tree right next to my home office window on May 20, 2022.

21. Black-throated Blue Warbler

Black-throated Blue Warbler

Black-throated Blue Warblers came to my yard more reliably during spring migration in the 1980s. Tettagouche State Park and other nearby areas with maple–basswood forests are where I go to find them near home. 

22. Palm Warbler*

Palm Warbler

Of all their family, Palm Warblers are the ones most likely to show up on our lawns, fences, and rooftops. I see them every fall and winter, though they're even harder to miss when I visit our son in Orlando in winter. 

23. Pine Warbler*

Pine Warbler

The very first warbler to show up at my suet feeder was a Pine Warbler on November 18, 2003. Without pine trees in my yard, this one doesn't show up very often, but the one in this photo was perched in my tray feeder waiting for space in the nearby suet feeder on May 6, 2023.

24. Yellow-rumped Warbler*

Yellow-rumped Warbler

The most common warbler of all shows up in my yard in good numbers every spring and fall. During the past decade when weather is harsh during spring or fall migration, sometimes a dozen or more Yellow-rumps visit my suet feeders at the same time. But during normal conditions, none show up at the feeders at all. 

25. Black-throated Green Warbler

Black-throated Green Warbler

Black-throated Green Warblers show up every year, especially at my birdbaths in August.

26. Canada Warbler

Canada Warbler

It's a red-letter day when I see a Canada Warbler in my yard during spring and fall. Most of their fall visits are to my ground-level birdbaths. 

27. Wilson's Warbler*

Wilson's Warbler

Wilson's Warblers show up occasionally in spring and fall, but not as often as most of their relatives.