No sun here in Georgia or in Duluth today--it's supposed to be rainy and blustery on Hawk Ridge, at least this morning. But those lovely people brought plenty of sunshine to me by taking their photos with my book! Really famous people! Above are this year's counters, Karl Bardon (the one who called out my first Boreal Chickadees of the season, putting his sharp ears as well as eyes to the task!) and Eileen Muller, literally a migrant worker from Mexico, who's seen and tallied some of the amazing hawk counts in Veracruz! I was in Veracruz a year ago at the Ornithological Conference, and got to see some of that amazing spectacle. As soon as I heard Eileen was going to be on the job this year, I knew it would be in good hands--or, should I say?, eyes. Below is the effervescent Volunteer Coordinator and Naturalist Julie O'Connor, who doesn't know how NOT to smile and who spends her summers showing everyone who passes by Duluth's downtown Peregrine Falcons; Hawk Ridge's brand new Executive Director Janelle Long (who I haven't had much chance to get to know, but she's got a smile in her voice as well as on her face and has the knowledge, experience, and ability to work with people to get the job done); and the ever-wise, warm and wonderful Education Director Debbie Waters. Thanks SO much, everyone!

It's not too late for YOU to send in a photo showing you and/or Stephen Colbert reading my book!